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Action Editor
The Action Editor is the editor where the user can set up logic code and rules to manage / trigger all kinds of actions for use in a document.
From wherever actions are created (variables, document events, custom button bars), the same editor is used. See Getting Started with Document Actions for more technical information.
See below for an example of the editor :
Using the editor
Basic usage
To add a new line of code, click the + icon
To remove a line of code, click the - icon
To move a line up, first select a line and click the up arrow
To move a line down, first select a line and click the down arrow
To duplicate a line, first select a line and click the copy icon
Advanced options
Select a line and do CTRL-click (windows) or CMD-click (osx) on one of the icons mentioned above in the basic usage.
Adding & deleting lines
To add multiple lines, do the following :
Select the line from where new lines will be added
CTRL/CMD-click the + icon
A popup appears where you can set the number of lines to be added
Click OK
To remove multiple lines, use the same procedure, but then use the - icon. When removing lines, the line selected is also included.
For example, if you select line 5 , CTRL/CMD-click remove, set 3 lines to remove, then line 5, 6 & 7 will be deleted.
Moving lines
To move lines, do the following :
Select a line
CTRL/CMD-click the up or down arrow (resp. move up or down)
A popup appears where you can set the number of lines to be moved
Choose the move location, there are several options available in a pulldown list :
One Up : one line above
One Down: one line below
Top : to first line
Bottom : the last line
Relative line dif. : move x lines down relative from the current position
Absolute line num. : move to a specific given line location
Click OK
Copying lines
To copy lines, do the following :
Select a line
CTRL/CMD-click the copy icon
A popup appears where you can set the number of lines to be copied
Choose the move location, there are several options available in a pulldown list :
One Up : one line above
One Down: one line below
Top : to first line
Bottom : the last line
Relative line dif. : move x lines down relative from the current position
Absolute line num. : move to a specific given line location
Document's Action clipboard : This will copy the action to the clipboard, so the action can be pasted in to another variable
Click OK
The stored actions are available from a pulldown list in the editor, use the Paste Scrap button to paste
the selected action on a chosen line location
New in version 6.1 & 2020.1
Compare two Date type variables in the action editor. Both local and global variables can be used for comparisons.
A Date variable can also be compared to a string in the following format YYYY/MM/DD.
With extended conditional statements, template logic can be more precise and more selective. The logical operators 'AND' and 'OR' have been added allowing multiple conditions to be evaluated in one block.
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