Information Classification: External Restricted.
Managing Tabs
To the left and right of the editing board, you find two vertical spaces where tabs reside.
These tabs hold panels, and panels hold elements.
You can choose to remove tabs, and add tabs with your own names.
In each tab, you can choose which panel to place.
This way you can re-arrange the workspace.
Adding a Tab
On the bottom of each bar, you will see a "plus" sign. Clicking on this plus will pop up a window
In this window, you can set all parameters on how you tab should be named, and how it should behave.
The title is the name you will see in the vertical bar / area.
The viewmode tells when to show this tab. Show it always, only in editing mode, or only in bookview mode.
The users dropdown lets you select who can see this tab.
The auto-select checkboxes lets you choose the behaviour. You can auto-select the tab wheb e.g. selecting a textframe.
Below you can add panels to the tab. You can choose from all available panels in the software. Click on the "insert" button to add the panel to the list.
The arrows above the panel list (highlighted in red on the screenshot below), lets you move this tab in the vertical bar. The "minus" sign removes the tab from the bar.
When clicking the arrows, you will see the tab moving in the faded background
do not get confused with the arrows to the right of the panel list as that only affects the order of the panels within the tab
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All information on this page must be treated as External Restricted, or more strict.