Information Classification: External Restricted.
TextFrame Settings
Fill with placeholder text : fills the frame with Lorem Ipsum text.
Hyphenate : inserts hyphenation marks in the selected text.
left: hyphenation off , right: hyphenation on
Vertical align : top, middle, bottom & justify alignment.
If the text frame uses multiple columns, the alignment will only be applied to the last column. All the other columns will utilize all available vertical space.
Contains Variables : indicates that this frame has variables.
Ignore text wrap : overrides text wrap settings.
Text Stroke : adds a stroke to the selected text.
Weight : thickness of the stroke
Color : color of the stroke
Colums : divides the text into colums.
Auto-Grow Frame : resizes the frame as text is added or removed.
Direction : direction in which the frame can grow.
Increment : stepsize for each growth.
Min, Max Size : frame will not be smaller or larger than these sizes.
Restrict to page : frame will not grow outside the page.
Insert : inserts an inline frame at the cursor location. Select the frame type from the dropdown menu.
Draw Text On Path : makes the text follow the frame edges
Align to text : alignment of the text to the path line.
Align to stroke : alignment of the text to the frame border width, only has effect when the frame has a border.
Vert. offset : adds an offset perpendicular to the path.
Flip : flips the text between the inner side and outer side of the path.
Char. Spacing : insert space between each individual character.
Point Spacing (before) : insert space before a path anchor point.
Point Spacing (after) : insert space after a path anchor point.
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All information on this page must be treated as External Restricted, or more strict.