Inline Frames

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Inline Frames


Inline Frames are frames placed inside another frame or table cell. They can be text, images, tables, snippets, etc.

Below screenshot is an example of a textframe containing three inline frames : an image, a snippet and text.

You can even insert frames inside inline frames, offering complicated arrangements of layout- and data elements.


From version 3.0.1, when inserting a new inline TextFrame, the selected text (of the parent frame) is set as the content of the new (inline) frame :

Using inline frames

To create an inline frame, place the text cursor at the position where the frame should be

and go to Text panel > Text Frame Settings panel > Insert dropdown and choose the frame type.

Inline frames are placed on the baseline for that position in the textframe.

The available types are :

  • Text
  • Table
  • Snippet
  • Image
  • Barcode
  • Shape
  • Rectangle
  • Circle

Location of the Insert inline frame menu:

To remove an inline frame, it has to be selected as if it were a character of text, select it with the
Text Editing tool and press the delete key on the keyboard.
The same goes for resizing, first click the frame with the text editing tool and use the frame anchor points
to resize.

Example of resizing an inline image in a table cell. Note that the cell is set to Autogrow.

Since inline frames are considered text characters, editing their placement within the text field must be done in
the same way as you would edit regular text, i.e. with the same cut,copy & paste operations.

Example of moving an inline image by text-selecting it, followed by a cut & paste to another location in the text.

Related content

Anchoring frames
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Autogrow and copyfitting
Autogrow and copyfitting
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Getting started with Frames
Getting started with Frames
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All information on this page must be treated as External Restricted, or more strict. https://www.chili-publish.com/security