Information Classification: External Restricted.
Managing Panels
A panel is 1 group of settings combined under 1 roof.
E.g. the Document Link Settings is a panel, found under the Document tab.
(this is the default location, since you could have moved the panel)
What is available
Panels are the containers where properties of objects can be set.
A list of available panels is to be found here.
Moving panels
Panels can me moved from one place to another, depending the need of your users.
By default each panel has a location under a certain tab.
But clicking on the pencil of a tab (will hilight when you hover over a tab) will pop up a window where you can add, remove and move panels.
Next to other tab-properties, in the bottom part you can arrange and manage the panels visible under this tab.
In the rectangle you will see a list of panels attached to this tab.
Selecting one of the panels, will show 3 symbols. A minus-sign, an up- and down arrow.
The minus-sign will remove the panel from the tab.
The arrows allow you to move the panel up or down.
You can always add more panels from the list: "Insert item".
Choose a panel from the list, and click "Insert".
The panel will be added to the list. You can now move it with the arrows.
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All information on this page must be treated as External Restricted, or more strict.