Information Classification: External Restricted.
Conditional texts
Conditional texts can be inserted into any text frame which contains variable content using the following code:
%if:XXX%......%endif:XXX% (where XXX is the name of the variable).
You can insert this either manually, or by going to the variable definition list, where an "Insert Text Condition" button is visible when a variable and a text have been selected.
Condition Evaluation
A condition is evaluated as follows:
- "true" or "false" as the value (which is the underlying value of any "checkbox" variable)
- for variables of type "image": if an image has been assigned
- If neither of those apply: the condition is true if the variable has a value
Prefix and Suffix
In the Variable Settings, you can also define a prefix and suffix for the variable. These as well are conditional (only included if the variable has a value), and are in many cases easier to use if the prefix/suffix can be used throughout the entire document for the selected variable
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